Monday, November 24, 2014

Tree of Life

You may have seen my tree logo and wondered what it was all about. I have always loved trees, but when I began to study art history in college, the Tree of Life became my favorite art motif. Just do a quick search online and you'll find that it pops up everywhere, across cultures, religions, and continents. 
Tree of Life on Papyrus from Egypt
In some places, it is the Cosmic Tree, reaching from the underworld, through this world, into the heavens, connecting them all. In one Native American creation story, the first woman on earth fell from heaven and landed on the back of a turtle. She planted some bark from a tree, and the tree grew on the turtle's back, creating land. Having also loved Ancient Egypt from a young age, I of course had to bring home a tree of life painted on papyrus when I studied there several years ago. On this tree, the roosting birds represent the stages of life, all looking one direction with the final bird looking towards death.
Zentangle Style Tree by Mary Frances
I could keep going on, but the drawing on my blog that is my logo is a little tree that I drew after trying to find the "perfect" tree for my logo and stamp. To me, the tree represents much more than just a nice story. It represents life as we see through the story of God in the Bible. First seen in the Old Testament, the tree of life is in the garden of Eden, the fruit of which gives life forever (Gen 3:22). However, because of the disobedience of the man and woman, they are cast from the garden and angels are placed in front of the tree, guarding it from humans. But, that is not the end. Through the redemptive story of man constantly disobeying and turning from God, and God's faithfulness in drawing them back to himself, he makes the ultimate way to restore the broken relationship, to "eat from the tree". He sends his Son to the world, perfect, who then, on a cross of wood, is crucified for the sins of all humankind, and restores the relationship of God with man, giving life to all who believe. A tree of life!
Tree of Life Pendants
Tree of Life Bracelet
But the image of the tree shows up in other places in the Bible. In the Psalms, it speaks of the one who delights in God being like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, whose leaves stay green and prosperous (Psalm 1). It speaks of strength, prosperity, no fear. And it's fruit gives abundant life.

So, there you have it, your art history lesson and tree of life lesson for the day. I hope my little trees speak of life and encouragement to you as well.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

First Craft Fair

Today I participated in a craft fair where I work. It was my first show, and I must say, after all of the hard work to get ready, it was a lot of fun. Besides actually making enough inventory to sell, I spent the last few weeks pinning ideas and searching the Internet on how to set up a display on a budget. Here's how it turned out:

Thanks to all of my friends and co-workers who came by.

If you'd like me to show my jewelry at your next local craft show or event, please contact me. I'd love to share my work!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Free Shipping Ends Tomorrow

Check out my online shop on the "For Sale" tab. I have a free shipping special through tomorrow. Use promo code: FREESHIP.

Get a head start on your Christmas Shopping!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Lessons Learned...Don't Burn the Clay!

Tonight I was excited about a project with polymer clay. I've used it in the past to make doll house food...yes, I was that child...and then more recently to make jewelry pendants and beads. It's so fun. Just shape it, mix it, mold it and bake in the oven. 

Well, tonight I learned why the instructions say "never bake above the recommended temperature". And I learned to make sure I don't accidentally reset the temperature on the stove when I'm turning it on.


My beautiful pearly white trees and leaves became copper colored. My green medallions are scorched. So far they are both brittle and bendy at the same time. Ahh well, another project for another day.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

More Silver Work

I recently got some more silver wire, which is so fun to work with. I love the rustic look of hammered silver with only a little polishing. I think it gives it a more nature-inspired work.

I've been experimenting with leaf shapes, which second to trees, are some of my favorite natural shapes.

Here's how the leaf project turned out (the necklace on the left). Plus some more leaf earrings (in the middle) and just some fun beaded projects.